cir_struct | Struct used as return value for function getCIR |
ConcBuf | ConcBuf is a class that implements a circular buffer for concurrent access from two distinct threads |
echo_struct | Struct for definition of one echo |
echo_struct_hdf5 | Struct to read an echo from a HDF5 file containing CIRs |
parameters_simulation_struct | Struct for reading general simulation parameters from HDF5 file containing CIRs |
ProcessingParameters | Parameters that are passed to each snBlock and can be altered by them |
QMainWindow | |
snMainWindow | Class for the main window widget |
QThread | |
snBlock | Base class for all snBlocks in SNACS |
snBlockSerial | Class for serialization of the snBlocks class |
snSDR | Software Defined Receiver Base Class |
snSDRStandard | Software Defined Receiver |
snProcessorADC | Class for analog to digital conversion (ADC) of a signal |
snProcessorChannel | SnProcessorChannel implements convolution of a base band signal through a linear channel through FIR filtering |
snProcessorLPF | Class for low pass filtering |
snProcessorNoise | Class for AWGN noise |
snSignalGenerate | This class generates sampled GPS base band signals |
snSignalInputBinary | This class reads a file that was created for software receivers, e.g. in Matlab |
snSignalOutputBinary | This class samples and mixes a signal and outputs it to a file for processing with extern software receivers, e.g. in Matlab |
snSignalOutputWidget | This class simply outputs a signal of a certain length to a widget window |
snFIRFilter | SnFIRFilter implements a FIR filter that safes its own state for processing of consecutive data blocks |
snParallelBuildCode | |
snParallelCorrelation | |
QWidget | |
snWidget | Widget class that generates time and frequency domain plots and 3D plots for the snBlocks |
SettingsSDR | Struct with aquisition and tracking parameters for the software defined receiver |
snCmplxFIRFilter | This class implements a multi-threaded complex FIR filter |
snCurve | SnCurve is the base class for all curves that can be used with snPlots |
snCurve3D | |
snCurveComplex | |
snCurveReal | SnCurveReal implements a curve for real data |
snGNSSCode | Class of member functions for GPS signal generation |
snCodeGalileo | |
snGPS | Class of member functions for GPS signal generation |
snGNSSData | |
snGNSSSignal | |
snModulation | |
snModulationAltBOC | |
snModulationBOC | |
snModulationBPSK | |
snModulationCBOC | |
snPlot | |
snPlotQwt | |
snPlotAngl | |
snPlotComplexImag | |
snPlotComplexAngle | |
snPlotComplexReal | |
snPlotComplexMagn | |
snPlotComplexRealImag | |
snPlotMagn | |
snPlotReal | |
snPlotQwt3D | |
snPlotSurface | |
snReadCIRFile | Reads CIRs from CIR HDF5 file |
snRealFIRFilter | |
SNSignal | Struct that contains general simulation parameters which are common to all snBlocks |
snSimulationException | Exception class for simulation setup time and snBlocks |
snWriteResultFile | Opens a HDF5 file for output. Every snBlock in the simulation chain can write simulation result data to that file with the write functions |