In this example we use the DLR land-mobile channel model to generate a channel impulse response (CIR) file. This file will contain realistic data of a vehcile driving through an urban environment.
Extract the model to snacs/examples/LandMobileMultipathChannelModel30.
You can use the file generate_DLRLMS_urban_channel_saveas_SNACS_HDF5_CIF_file.m in the example05 directory to generate the CIR file for the SNACS simulation. The file is based on LandMobileMultipathChannel_Demo_UrbanCar.m from the channel model distribution. It is extended by parts to save the resulting CIR as a SNACS CIR input file. These parts are marked by "[for SNACS]" comments.
At the beginning, we insert one second of a steady line-of-sight signal only to let the loops in the simulation settle:
The main part follows: Here, the CIR as generated by the channel model is prepared to be written to the HDF5 file:
Also the file LandMobileMultipathChannelModel30//generate.m of the model distribution has to be changed to return the absolute reference range. Append the file by these two lines:
Use the MATLAB script plot_DLRLMS_CIR_result_example05.m to display the output of the generated CIR:
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3 % This file saves a channel impulse response series as HDF5 file
6 % LandMobileMultipathChannel_Demo_UrbanCar.m
10 % adapted by Frank Schubert, 2010
12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
19 addpath(
21 % channel model start:
22 pth =
24 addpath ([pth,
25 addpath ([pth,
27 Parameters.SampFreq=500; % Hz
28 Parameters.MaximumSpeed=50; % km/h
29 Parameters.SatElevation=30; % Deg
30 Parameters.SatAzimut=-135; % Deg (North == 0, East == 90, South == 180, West == 270)
31 Parameters.NumberOfSteps=10000; % 5000 / 1000 = 1 second
32 Co=2.99e8; % Speed of Light
34 %%for SNACS, initialize SNACS parameters sec
35 % write Parameters and ChannelParams to h5 file:
36 snacs_cir_filename = 'snacs-cir-file_DLRLMS_example-05-2.h5';
37 % [for SNACS] map the channel model parameter names to the SNACS CIR parameter names:
38 simulation_parameters.c0 = Co;
39 simulation_parameters.cir_rate = Parameters.SampFreq;
41 % write only-LOS signal at the beginning of file.
42 % length 1 second. 1 s * cir_rate = number of only-LOS cirs:
43 only_los_offset = 1 * simulation_parameters.cir_rate;
45 simulation_parameters.cir_amount = only_los_offset + Parameters.NumberOfSteps;
47 % [for SNACS] init the SNACS CIR HDF5 file:
48 init_snacs_cir_file(snacs_cir_filename, simulation_parameters);
50 % [for SNACS] no channel for the first second to let the loops lock.
51 % write one second of a A = 1 exp(j*0) component at delay = 0 s to the CIR
53 only_los_cir = struct('delay', {0},
'real', {0},
'imag', {0});
54 only_los_cir.delay = 0;
55 only_los_cir.real = 1;
56 only_los_cir.imag = 0;
57 % initialize vectors
for the reference distance from transmitter
59 ActualPR_vec = zeros(simulation_parameters.cir_amount, 1);
60 disp(
'writing only-LOS CIR snapshots...');
61 for k = 0:only_los_offset-1
62 append_one_cir_to_cir_file(snacs_cir_filename, k, only_los_cir);
64 % the next written CIR will start with number: only_los_offset
66 %% channel model
69 % ---- General Parameters ----
71 ChannelParams.CarrierFreq=1.57542e9; % Hz
72 ChannelParams.SampFreq=Parameters.SampFreq;
73 ChannelParams.EnableDisplay=0; % 3D visualization is not available in the free version
74 ChannelParams.EnableCIRDisplay=0; % enables CIR display
76 % ---- Mode Parameters ----
78 ChannelParams.UserType = 'Car';
79 ChannelParams.Surrounding =
80 ChannelParams.AntennaHeight = 2; % m Height of the Antenna
81 ChannelParams.MinimalPowerdB=-40; % Echos below
this Limit are not initialised
83 % ---- UserParameters ---
85 ChannelParams.DistanceFromRoadMiddle=-5; % negative: continental (right), positive: England (left)
87 % ---- Graphics Parameters ---
89 ChannelParams.GraphicalPlotArea=50; %
90 ChannelParams.ViewVector = [-60,20]; % 3D visualization is not available in the free version
91 ChannelParams.RoadWidth = 15; %
93 % --- Building Params ---
95 ChannelParams.BuildingRow1=1; % logigal to
switch Building Row right(heading 0 deg) on
96 ChannelParams.BuildingRow2=1; % logigal to
switch Building Row left (heading 0 deg) on
97 ChannelParams.BuildingRow1YPosition=-12; % m
98 ChannelParams.BuildingRow2YPosition=12; % m
100 ChannelParams.HouseWidthMean=22; % m
101 ChannelParams.HouseWidthSigma=25; % m
102 ChannelParams.HouseWidthMin=10; % m
103 ChannelParams.HouseHeightMin=4; % m
104 ChannelParams.HouseHeightMax=50; % m
105 ChannelParams.HouseHeightMean=16; % m
106 ChannelParams.HouseHeightSigma=6.4; % m
107 ChannelParams.GapWidthMean=27; % m
108 ChannelParams.GapWidthSigma=25; % m
109 ChannelParams.GapWidthMin=10; % m
110 ChannelParams.BuildingGapLikelihood=0.18;% lin Value
112 % --- Tree Params ---
114 ChannelParams.TreeHeight = 8; % m
115 ChannelParams.TreeDiameter = 5; % m
116 ChannelParams.TreeTrunkLength=2; % m
117 ChannelParams.TreeTrunkDiameter=.2; % m
119 ChannelParams.TreeAttenuation = 1.1; % dB/m
121 ChannelParams.TreeRow1Use=1; % logical switches tree row 1 on
122 ChannelParams.TreeRow2Use=1; % logical switches tree row 2 on
124 ChannelParams.TreeRow1YPosition=-8; % m
125 ChannelParams.TreeRow2YPosition=8; % m
127 ChannelParams.TreeRow1YSigma=2; % m
128 ChannelParams.TreeRow2YSigma=2; % m
130 ChannelParams.TreeRow1MeanDistance=60; % m
131 ChannelParams.TreeRow2MeanDistance=40; % m
133 ChannelParams.TreeRow1DistanceSigma=20; % m
134 ChannelParams.TreeRow2DistanceSigma=20; % m
136 % --- Pole Params ---
138 ChannelParams.PoleHeight = 10; % m
139 ChannelParams.PoleDiameter = .2; % m
141 ChannelParams.PoleRow1Use=1; % logical switches Pole row 1 on
142 ChannelParams.PoleRow2Use=0; % logical switches Pole row 2 on
144 ChannelParams.PoleRow1YPosition=0; % m
145 ChannelParams.PoleRow2YPosition=10; % m
147 ChannelParams.PoleRow1YSigma=1; % m
148 ChannelParams.PoleRow2YSigma=1; % m
150 ChannelParams.PoleRow1MeanDistance=25; % m
151 ChannelParams.PoleRow2MeanDistance=10; % m
153 ChannelParams.PoleRow1DistanceSigma=10; % m
154 ChannelParams.PoleRow2DistanceSigma=10; % m
156 %%
for SNACS, write channel scenery parameters
157 % write channel scenery parameters to HDF5 file:
158 hdf5write(snacs_cir_filename,
'/parameters/model/channel_scenery' , ChannelParams,
160 %% channel model
162 % ------------ Initial Settings -------------
163 % - Anything Below here must not be changed -
164 % -------------------------------------------
166 MaximumPossibleSpeed=Co*Parameters.SampFreq/ChannelParams.CarrierFreq/2; % To fulfill the sampling Theorem
167 SamplingTime=1/Parameters.SampFreq;
169 % --- Initialising the channel
object ---
172 disp('Initialising the channel ...')
173 TheChannelObject=LandMobileMultipathChannel(ChannelParams);
178 % --- Specify power and delay bins for output statistics ---
180 pwrvec = [0:-1:-30]; % power bins in dB
181 dlyvec = [0:10e-9:500e-9]; % delay bins in s
183 PowerDelayProfile(1:length(pwrvec),1:length(dlyvec)) = 0; % allocate memory
184 pwrstp = (pwrvec(end)-pwrvec(1))/(length(pwrvec)-1); %
get step size
185 dlystp = (dlyvec(end)-dlyvec(1))/(length(dlyvec)-1); %
get step size
187 % --- start simulation ---
189 h = waitbar(0,'Simulation running ...');
191 if ChannelParams.EnableCIRDisplay
193 % --- init CIR figure ---
198 ylabel('Power in dB')
199 axis([-2e-8,40e-8,0,50])
200 set(get(hh,'Children'),'YTickLabel',[-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10]);
205 legend ('Direct paths','Echo paths')
209 ylabel('Phase in rad')
210 axis([-2e-8,40e-8,-pi,pi])
218 for dhv=1:Parameters.NumberOfSteps
220 TimeVec(end)=dhv/Parameters.SampFreq;
222 % --- "drunken" driver movement example ---
224 ActualSpeed=Parameters.MaximumSpeed/2/3.6*(1+sin(TimeVec(end)/3));
225 SpeedVec(dhv)=ActualSpeed; % m/s
226 ActualHeading=20*sin(TimeVec(end)/3); % Deg (North == 0, East == 90, South == 180, West == 270)
228 % --- generate CIR ---
230 [TheChannelObject,LOS,LOSDelays,ComplexOutputVec,DelayVec,EchoNumberVec,WayVec(dhv),TimeVec(dhv),ActualPR_change]=generate(TheChannelObject,ActualSpeed,ActualHeading,Parameters.SatElevation,Parameters.SatAzimut);
232 waitbar(dhv/Parameters.NumberOfSteps,h)
234 % --- binning LOS ---
236 for sfg = 1:length(LOSDelays)
238 dlybin = round(LOSDelays(sfg)/dlystp) + 1;
239 pwrbin = round(20*log10(abs(LOS(sfg)))/pwrstp) + 1;
241 if pwrbin<=length(pwrvec) & pwrbin>0 & dlybin<=length(dlyvec)
242 PowerDelayProfile(pwrbin,dlybin) = PowerDelayProfile(pwrbin,dlybin) + 1;
247 % --- binning echoes ---
249 for sfg = 1:length(DelayVec)
251 dlybin = round(DelayVec(sfg)/dlystp) + 1;
252 pwrbin = round(20*log10(abs(ComplexOutputVec(sfg)))/pwrstp) + 1;
254 if pwrbin<=length(pwrvec) & pwrbin>0 & dlybin<=length(dlyvec)
255 PowerDelayProfile(pwrbin,dlybin) = PowerDelayProfile(pwrbin,dlybin) + 1;
260 if ChannelParams.EnableCIRDisplay
262 % --- display CIR ---
267 Time = dhv/Parameters.SampFreq;
268 title(['Channel Impulse Response (CIR), T = ',num2str(Time,'%5.2f'),' s, v = ',num2str(ActualSpeed*3.6,'%4.1f'),' km/h'])
269 stem(LOSDelays,40 + 20*log10(abs(LOS)),'r');
270 stem(DelayVec,40 + 20*log10(abs(ComplexOutputVec)));
274 stem(LOSDelays,angle(LOS),'r');
275 stem(DelayVec,angle(ComplexOutputVec));
279 %% [for SNACS], write cir to h5 file
280 % For that we build one vector from
281 % LOS and echoes first:
282 % (dhv is the number of the actual CIR snapshot (starting with 1))
284 ActualPR = ActualPR + ActualPR_change;
285 ActualLOSDelay = ActualPR / Co;
286 echoes_elements = numel(LOSDelays)+numel(DelayVec); % amount of echoes
287 echo_zeros = zeros(echoes_elements, 1);
288 echoes(1:echoes_elements) = struct('delay', {0},
'real', {0},
'imag', {0});
289 for k = 1:numel(LOSDelays)
290 echoes(k).delay = LOSDelays(k) + ActualLOSDelay;
291 echoes(k).real = real(LOS(k));
292 echoes(k).imag = imag(LOS(k));
294 idx_offset = numel(LOSDelays);
295 for k = 1:numel(DelayVec)
296 echoes(k+idx_offset).delay = DelayVec(k) + ActualLOSDelay;
297 echoes(k+idx_offset).real = real(ComplexOutputVec(k));
298 echoes(k+idx_offset).imag = imag(ComplexOutputVec(k));
300 cir_number = only_los_offset + dhv-1; % dhv-1: CIR number for SNACS should start at 0
302 % only_los_offset is added because we added 1 second of a only los
303 % component to the CIR file, see above.
304 append_one_cir_to_cir_file(snacs_cir_filename, cir_number, echoes);
306 ActualPR_vec(cir_number + 1) = ActualPR; % +1 since Matlab vectors start at 1
308 disp(sprintf('written step
#: %d, actual range: %f\n', cir_number, ActualPR));
310 %% channel model
314 %% [for SNACS], write all PR values
315 hdf5write(snacs_cir_filename,
'/reference_range/range_absolut', ActualPR_vec,
317 %% channel model
321 % --- calculate probability density function ---
323 PowerDelayProfile = PowerDelayProfile/sum(sum(PowerDelayProfile));
325 % --- display PowerDelayProfile ---
328 surf(dlyvec,pwrvec,10*log10(PowerDelayProfile+eps),'LineStyle','none','FaceColor','interp','EdgeLighting','phong');
332 ylabel('power in dB')
333 title('Power delay profile - probability density function')
335 set(hc,'YLim',[-70,-10])
337 YTic = get(hc,'YTickLabel');
340 dta = (ax(3)-ax(4))/(size(YTic,1)-1);
341 for kk = 1:size(YTic,1)
342 oldYTic(kk,:) = [' '];
343 newYTic(kk,:) = ['10^',num2str(str2num(YTic(kk,:))/10),''];
344 text(1.2,ax(3)-dta*(kk-1),['10^{
346 set(hc,'YTickLabel
348 % ---------------------------------
351 disp('Simulation finished