This basic example generates a GPS signal, applies a low-pass filter with a single-sided cut-off frequency of 10.12 MHz and displays it in a window.
You can start it by running
cd snacs/trunk/release
./SNACS-release -f ../../examples/example_01/example_01.cfg
sampling_frequency = 40e6;
c0 = 2.99e8;
length = 10.0;
intermediate_frequency = 15e6;
conc_buf_length = 0.001;
buffers_per_concbuf = 2;
result_directory = "Result";
append_date_to_outdir = true;
SNBlocks = (
{ Type = "snSignalGenerate";
start = 0.0;
signal = {
inphase = {
code = "C/A";
prn = 1;
modulation = "BPSK(n)";
n = 1.0;
data_type = "none";
{ Type = "snLowPassFilter";
coefficients_type = "remez";
order = 64;
cut_off_frequency = 10.23e6;
{ Type = "snSignalOutputWidget";
buffers_to_display = 1;
UpdateInterval = 500;
PlotXSize = 1024L;
plot_buffer_length = 0.00001;